Getting in Shape

Getting in shape while working 2nd shift

We are getting married next May 2014 and I work 2nd shift and I want to get in shape. Therefore it is hard for me to eat right. I am a morning person so I usually work out in the mornings, which I prefer however eating right is hard for me. I have cut out regular soda completely, I do drink diet on occasion. This month has been really bad with eating right due to easter candy, :). Any suggestions on how to eat eat right on 2nd shift. And I know this sounds picky, however, I am not a salad eater and I hate leftovers.

Re: Getting in shape while working 2nd shift

  • I hate salads, too! :)

    Do you have a fridge or microwave at work?  Also, how much sleep are you getting?  
  • I usually get 8 hour sometimes 7. I try and take a small nap before work because when I get off work at 10:30, I do not to bed right away.We do have a fridge and microwave at work however, I go home for dinner, I live less then 1 mile from work.
  • I'm a nurse, so I feel your pain on working 2nd shifts are all over the place.  One big tip that is hard for me to follow but is highly recommended is to eat your last meal >3hrs from the time you're going to bed.  So if you're going to bed at say..midnight, then you should eat your dinner no later than 9:00PM.

    I stick with tried and true lunches..mostly turkey sandwiches (fresh deli sliced, not pre-packaged stuff) with some carrot sticks, yogurt, and a piece of fruit for while I'm at work. It's not glamorous but it keeps the calories down, energy up, and I don't feel bogged down at the end of the day.  Also, try low cal/sugar free drink mixes like Mio or Crystal light powders; I have a ton of flavors so I'm drinking a lot of water at work without all the extra sugar other drinks have.

    Anyway, I hope these little changes help you like they've helped me.  Little things over time can make a big difference.  Good luck!

  • Saying this month is hard to eat right because of Easter candy is ridiculous...every month there is going to be a celebration or event that is tied with bad need to change your mindset from "this is _____ holiday month, I am going to eat whatever I want related to ______ all month!" to "I can't wait for _____ holiday, I will treat myself to all my favorites on the holiday (preferably still in moderation)"

    I also agree with everything ameraznhuney said. In addition, if you are going home for dinner every night because you live so close, you could EASILY pre-cook whatever meal you want in advance and reheat when you get home. The last thing you want to do is be eating freezer meals every night of the week (they are so awful for you).

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  • Thanks for the responses everyone. A 'meal' for me on any given evening while on break is not even a 'meal', it's more like snacking, ala a handful of cheeze-its, 1 strick of string cheese and a granola bar. I know that's terrible but when it comes to pre making food, I will be the first to admit, I'm lazy, but I am definitely going to try pre cooking my meals and see what happens.
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