FI and I know we want to have babies in a few years, and we've thought up a few names in advance as they come to us. The boy names were easy - I've always loved Mason, and my Nana's maiden name is West and she's the last in the line. So Mason West Lastname will be our first son. One night as we were driving back from the state fair, we were talking about names again and somehow I suggested Max - strong and simple. We wanted a middle name to honor all of the Jameses in our family - both my grandfathers, my brother, my dad, his uncle, etc. Lots of Jameses. So we came up with Max Jameson (subtle reference to my favorite whiskey, too).
The girl names have been hard though. I love Harper, Paige and Marina. FI is INSISTENT upon Roxanne. Seriously.
So what are your future baby names (or current ones if you haz teh baybehs)?