Getting in Shape

Pre-wedding panic

I woke up the other day, realized there are four months until the wedding and I have about 30 lbs to lose. WHY didn't i start three months earlier???
I'm trying to stay calm, doing Jenny Craig, working out a little more, but I know myself, and I get off track easily. I do not want to feel bad about myself on my wedding day!!

Any positive advice for staying calm, and on track?

Re: Pre-wedding panic

  • Stressing will only release cortisol and will make your body hang on to the fat, if not even accumulate it. Evaluate your goals carefully and start small. Think of this as a path to getting healthy for a lifetime, not a sprint to the wedding. Do you actually have 30 pounds to lose? Or is x-30 just a number you wish to see on the scale? Don't obsess over the scale but instead use other means of gauging your progress - how you feel, how your clothes fit, how you look in the mirror. 

    Remember that you don't get healthy by losing weight. You lose weight by getting healthy. So eat smart, work out smart, treat your body smart (good sleep, reduce stress) and the rest will resolve itself.
  • Don't be too hard on yourself and have realistic expectations that you may not be able to lose 30lbs in that amount of time.

    As a side note, no one here is going to recommend a program like Jenny Craig which is not long-term sustainable unless you want to eat her overly-processed fake food for the rest of your life.

    Come hang out on the accountability threads here, you may pick up a few good ideas.

    Created by MyFitnessPal - Free Calorie Counter

  • Thanks guys!! THis is great advice: Remember that you don't get healthy by losing weight. You lose weight by getting healthy.
    I'm mostly using JC for the breakfast and lunch meals to keep at work, on days when I am rushing and don't make breakfast or lunch (to avoid ordering or buying a bagel). My goal is to prepare most of the meals myself.

    This morning, as I was saying "30 lbs" i then said, let's get through this week eating healthy. And then scaled it back to "let's get through today on track"

    so far, so good. :)

    I'm going to hang on here more, so I hope to cheer you guys on as well!!

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