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Re: A

  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:37Discussion:4abe3389-295f-4275-bf0a-b50c0b44b660Post:fdcf582f-fbb9-442a-be75-73a22872d458">Re: Will I have a m.i.a bm on my big day?</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Will I have a m.i.a bm on my big day? :   Something I am actively working on.  I'm sorry that my opinions got people so heated-I don't spend a lot of time on the knot, and didn't realize what's the norm (though I still don't agree with many of you).  Can we agree to disagree?  Off to catch my flight, so don't think I'm just ignoring.
    Posted by rb1734a[/QUOTE]

    Lurk a bit more. There are strong personalities around here, but we give honest advice. And the first advice is to throw the "bridesmaid duty" books out the window.

    Have a safe flight.
  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:37Discussion:4abe3389-295f-4275-bf0a-b50c0b44b660Post:749634f9-0d9a-4054-b8c7-ad63af76fd91">Re:A</a>:
    [QUOTE]Who let the trolls out? Who?who?who?who?
    Posted by StageManager14[/QUOTE]

    She's just a bit misinformed. I honestly don't think she's a troll.
  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:37Discussion:4abe3389-295f-4275-bf0a-b50c0b44b660Post:2dfc1b42-e542-4bf6-a563-3b5344286849">Re:A</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re:A :

    She's just a bit misinformed. I honestly don't think she's a troll.
    Posted by TXKristan[/QUOTE]

    Well if use her logic it's true because its on the Internet ;p
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  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:37Discussion:4abe3389-295f-4275-bf0a-b50c0b44b660Post:73db9064-502f-4035-96aa-b55590c4f85e">Re:A</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re:A:

    Have you seen her posts in other threads?
    Posted by StageManager14[/QUOTE]

    Not yet. Ugh, I thought I got through to her somewhat.
  • TXKristan said:
    In Response to Re: Will I have a m.i.a bm on my big day?:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Will I have a m.i.a bm on my big day? : Good point Kristan.  Guess I'm just cranky tonight.  I'm glad I was able to be there for them and help them out, and overall, its a positive experience that I look back upon.  I guess I just always assume my friends share in my excitement, but I also really love weddings (maybe more than most).
    Posted by rb1734a[/QUOTE]

    And that's understandable to be disappointed that they don't share that same excitement. Just don't hold it over them. Also remember that a true gift is when you expect nothing in return. And, you have a forum of a bunch if women who can give you advice about how things work. Many of us are married old hags who have been there. We like weddings too and are happy to share wisdom from our own exoeriences.

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